A Church Not For Ourselves
what do we mean?
​By declaring we are a church “not for ourselves,” we simply wish to convey that we do not desire to be a church who are merely spectators. Instead, we are all active participants in the work of the gospel as we authentically engage in our relationship with Jesus, with one another, and with the community.
In a world that seems to be constantly telling us to focus on ourselves, it is our hope that we consistently maintain a posture of outward and unselfish thinking.
We are a diverse non-denominational Christian church of people who have committed our lives to following Jesus and who are devoted to the word of God, to each other, to making disciples, and to the poor and vulnerable in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, and all of Washtenaw county.
We desire to do this not just by spreading the good news of Jesus, but also by extending the love of Jesus to those in need.

Self is the worst enemy a Christian has.
- Charles Spurgeon
Our Story
Ann Arbor Church serves as a satellite ministry of the Detroit Church of Christ, an amazingly loving, diverse and faithful community of disciples of Jesus. We will meet together from time to time throughout the year to connect, worship, play in sports leagues and strengthen our bonds of friendship and faith. Our leadership often meets together to pray, plan, train and encourage one another. We proudly live and love alongside this amazing congregation and joyfully serve the community in light of their example.
We are a church deeply committed to each other, sharing in each other’s joys, sorrows, victories and defeats. We hope to adopt a posture of humility, love, hard work and grace as we seek to be a blessing to these wonderful cities in which we live, work and do life.
It was Jesus who said “All men will know you are my disciples by the way you love one another.” Love is sacrificial, love requires the pouring out of self, love requires caring not only for our own interests, but also for the interests of others.

if we are not for ourselves, what are we for?
For Jesus
We seek to uphold the teachings of Jesus, and follow him in a real and authentic way.
For Our Community
We live in an unjust world, and in response to injustice, we wish to move toward the vulnerable in our society in a real and personal way, just as Jesus did.
For Those Seeking Jesus
Jesus commanded his disciples to “Go and make disciples” We believe this command is true for all followers of Jesus; therefore, a primary mission of Ann Arbor Church is to seek and to save those who are searching for God. To love them, to teach them, to help them turn to God, to be baptized, and to live a Christ-like life.
For Each Other
We are deeply committed to sharing our lives with each other.
For those not seeking Jesus - we wish to be a blessing to all people, whether they are looking for a relationship with Jesus or not.